Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Product Review: RX Jump Ropes

RX Jump Rope: "Inferno" (Tactical Series) - My Jump Rope of Choice

I never liked the jump ropes provided by my CrossFit box.  They have a heavy, thick plastic rope and the handles are too large for my hands.  Despite my distaste for them, I worked up to stringing together maybe 5-8 double-unders (DUs) using these ropes, but always wondered what the fancier ropes felt like that I saw everyone else was using.  At a local CrossFit competition I went to soon after I was able to string a minimal amount of DUs together, I visited the RX Jump Ropes booth and asked to try out a rope.  Standing awkwardly on a grassy slope with a thin rubber mat, I attempted and nailed 10 straight DUs on my first try!  I was so shocked that I had hit 10 DUs that I immediately stopped jumping and started talking purchase.